Although many Americans still embrace the notion of “American greatness,” our greatness is often referenced in such vague and inclusive terms that it is virtually impossible to demarcate between American greatness and that of any number of free or relatively modern nations. We are often left wondering exactly what it is that renders America great […]
Monthly Archive: July 2015
For those of you who were unable to attend, we are happy to report that the debate between Charles Gernazian and Ed Buckner was a huge success. For those of you who might not have even heard about the event, Catholic-American Center co-hosted a debate in which Charles debated the President of the National Atheists […]
From the Catholic perspective, a very troubling aspect of the HHS Mandate is the manner in which our asserted Constitutional Right to Religious Freedom has been addressed by the Administration and essentially ignored by the public at large. Indeed, the manner in which our Freedom of Religion has been treated in the HHS Mandate appears […]
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