As with all issues that evoke strong emotional reactions among Catholics, the recent controversy surrounding Notre Dame’s granting an honorary degree to President Obama raises many fundamental questions about who we are as Catholic-Americans. Among other things, the controversy should force us to ask the following fundamental question about Catholic education: to what extent should […]
In theory, Catholic-Americans should be the most important block of voters in the upcoming 2024 presidential election. Arguably, no other identifiable demographic group has more numbers and more to offer. Indeed, if we weren’t so divided theologically and culturally, we would not only have the largest number of voters, but we could be the most positively […]
As Americans continue to digest the many troubling trends relating to misuses of social media, Catholic-Americans should be the very ones leading the way in avoiding the troubling trend of Americans posting too many “communication shortcuts” relating to issues that are more complex than the simplicity of a post suggests. Thus, as we prepare for […]
Dear Mr. President: Although one of the hallmarks of your Presidency is tolerance and respect of all persons, I respectfully want to inform you that your recent comments at the National Prayer Breakfast, albeit well intended, offended me very deeply and profoundly as a Catholic-American. Even assuming your references to the Crusades and the Inquisition […]
Although the mainstream media and political pundits frequently talk about the Catholic vote, rarely does anyone meaningfully ask how the Catholic vision of reality might shed light on a contemporary issue or theme in American Society. Arguably, a good example of a topic about which the Catholic Church has much to say is the topic […]
We do not need a State which regulates and controls everything, but a State which, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity, generously acknowledges and supports initiatives arising from the different social forces and combines spontaneity with closeness to those in need. – Pope Benedict XVI, DEUS CARITAS EST, 28 As a Catholic-American, the […]
As with all issues that evoke strong emotional reactions among Catholics, the recent controversy surrounding Notre Dame’s granting an honorary degree to President Obama raises many fundamental questions about who we are as Catholic-Americans. Among other things, the controversy should force us to ask the following fundamental question about Catholic education: to what extent should […]
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